Friday, October 22, 2010

Principles to Live By

Principle 1: Treat your business like a business, be productive from the get go! It's too easy to fall into the trap of getting ready and getting ready to get ready! Donna Johnson, Arbonne International top income earner (300,000/month) was asked what she would do first if she had to re-start her business. Her response was simple, but powerful:
"I would fill my calender"
Every day should include, at the VERY least, these two business building activities:
1: Personal Development, develop yourself and your business skills through any of the mediums in our "Lifelong Learning" page.
2: Exposures, contact a minimum of two people every day, whether that be someone you meet or someone on your list.

Principle 2:
Be a product of the products, you'll be infinitely more successful if your business success is matched by physical success, commit to a Beachbody fitness and nutrition program for yourself, as well as your business!

This principle is easy to overlook but consider this, network marketers duplicate what they do themselves, regardless of whether or not they want to. Traits, techniques and attitudes are repeated. If you build your business without being dedicated to Beachbody products, you will attract other people with the same attitude. Viral Fitness leaders build their business by prospecting and training coaches who they know will love and utilize Beachbody products. Without this commitment to our products, volume doesn't accumulate and you don't make any money.

Principle 3: Be a copycat, the number one rule of network marketing is "Don't reinvent the wheel, follow the system". Systems work because our business is a business that, when built right, is composed of ever expanding organizations consisting primarily of NEW PEOPLE. If we don't give new people a good example to follow and a system that everyone can duplicate, our business doesn't expand.

You might ask, "Well, why can't I make my own system?". You can, but it won't have the support of your upline coaches, so the people above you can't help your people, your people can't listen to conference calls from higher ups and the people above you can't assist in your training meetings. The loss of all of those things is a high price to pay for the ego boost of deciding to implement your own system.

Principle 4: Become a part of the Beachbody community, listen to the upbeat conference calls, attend local meetings etc. Trying to go the distance by yourself gets really old, very quickly, the group dynamic is a breeding ground for excitement and constant renewal of your energy.

In addition, join or create your own local community. Have a "Coach Night" once a week, get some of your close friends involved or become better friends with your sponsor. Regular meetings with friends to have fun and discuss business with increase business skills, commitment and enthusiasm!

Principle 5: Sort, don't sell. Network marketers who don't follow this principle are renowned for joining the infamous "NFL" Club (No Friends Left). Be respectful, don't spam people in person or online, and don't pester someone, work with people who are genuinely interested!

Principle 6: Stick and stay, and you'll get your pay-Being a coach is an investment, have the foresight to see it through for at least a year. If you do this, chances are you'll see yourself getting the reward you've worked so hard for!!!!

Getting a New Coach Started

-Signing him/her Up

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Customer Pack

For those people who didn't express interest in the business but wanted to sample some of your products we recommend putting together a customer packet. Typically we focus on selling Shakeology because it is a continuity product that you make money on month after month.

This packet should include

1: A sample packet of both Chocolate and Greenberry Shakeology

2: A shakeology Tri-Fold brochure and a Shakeology Breakthrough DVD (both available in the Team Beachbody store (under the "Coach Tools" section)

3: A Personal note with a brief, friendly personal message and the following points:
  • Shakeology is risk free for 30 days, they can drink it all and return the pack within 30 days and get all their money back.
  • Point out not to mix the samples with water, they are far better with milk and a little ice if possible.
  • If they choose to order, putting it on home direct saves them shipping, gets them two free workout DVDs, and is easy to cancel if they choose not to continue (all they have to do is send an email to "" saying they'd like to cancel their order)
  • A link to your personal Shakeology site:
As soon as you drop off the packet, schedule a follow up call and put a lot of emphasis on watching the DVD.

The Pre-Approach Packet

The Pre-Approach Packet is an informational packet that your prospects will take a look at to see if they are interested in learning more. We recommend that new coaches purchase the materials necessary for 5-10 of these packets. This packet contains three things:

1: An Audio CD, either:
Chris Widener's "The Invisible Profit System" (For Current Business Owners or Professionals)
Randy Gage's "Escape the Rat Race" (For people just scraping by)

2: Robert Kiyosaki's Book: "The Business of the 21st Century"

3: Teamwork Magazine: Available from the Team Beachbody store in the "Coach Tools" section.

When you deliver the packet to someone there are several things you need to take care to do:

1: Impart a sense of urgency:
"Hey, I need to get this packet back from you within three days because there are other people waiting to see this information, you can just flip through the book and the magazine, but PROMISE me the first thing you do when you get in your car is put in this CD and don't listen to anything else until you've listened to it!"

2: Make it clear that they don't need to make a decision after reviewing the information.
"Just so you know, this packet is just to give you an idea if this is something you'd like to learn more about, I'm not gonna ask you for a decision when we follow up"

3: Schedule a follow up!
Put it on the calendar RIGHT THEN AND THERE!


Ideally, you have the time to develop a bit of a relationship with people, but if you don't during that moment, it's best to just ask "you got a card?" and get their info then take the time to get to know them better later

When meeting new people or catching up with old acquaintances, it's best to focus on the acronym FORM:


Once you have a basic knowledge of a person's family, recreation, and occupation, you have an idea of why our opportunity might be right for them. If you can't get contact info or a card without mentioning your opportunity, the best way to get the contact info is to say:
"Hey you know, I can't make any promises, but I think that I may have a way for you to (fulfill a need/want of theirs). Let me grab your contact info and I can get you some information that could change your life"

In Person with Friends and Family

When you're in person with friends and or family, your question should be even more "needs based" than on the phone.

"Mary, when you said you wished you had more time to spend with your kids, were you seriously looking for things that might help with that?"
"Joe, I know you've been having a hard time with your co-workers, if you could, would you like to get out of that workplace?"

Ask a question that serves a need and transition to:
"Well, I can't make any promises but I think I have an opportunity that could help you do just that, if I give you some information will you take a look at it?"

The main problem with doing this in-person, is that you have very little control of how the discussion ends, your prospect will want to bombard you with a bunch of questions right then, the best thing to do is to say:
"Well, I'm pretty new so I don't know that I could communicate it to you well, I'll get you that info and if you like what you see, we'll get on the phone with a professional so you can ask some questions"

In Person

In person, it's very important to remember that you're still just asking a qualifying question, not talking endlessly about the business. There's an old maxim in this business:
"The more you talk, the less you'll make!"
-Acquaintances or People you Just Met